PANTAFLIX is available worldwide as an Apple TV app as of right now and gains access to millions of potential users

With the launch of the Apple TV app, PANTAFLIX Technologies GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of stock-listed PANTAFLIX AG (WKN: A12UPJ, ISIN: DE000A12UPJ7), significantly expands the reach of its VoD platform PANTAFLIX. Up to now, content was already available on Amazon Fire TV, Web, iOS, Android, and Windows. Now and in one clean sweep, the company is gaining additional access to millions of Apple TV users around the world and wins another high-coverage media partner and an innovative distribution channel. With the platform’s recent roll-out on all continents,which was implemented immediately before, the media group is driving its internationalization forward massively with this step.

“We’re confident that PANTAFLIX’s availability as an Apple TV app presents a formidable opportunity to gain new users all around the world and to inspire them with content that, due to regional restrictions, they’re unable to get anywhere else,” says Stefan Langefeld, CEO of PANTAFLIX AG. With the PANTAFLIX Apple TV app, users can now enjoy plentiful new features such as voice control via Siri integration or uncomplicated payment via iTunes. “Going beyond optimal availability, we want to supply our users with the best possible handling. We are also very happy to report further improvements in usability and additional features. This puts us in a position to offer trailers of our content as of right now”, adds Christoph Urban, Managing Director of PANTAFLIX Technologies GmbH.

Users with an Apple TV Box can download the app on the Apple TV App Store. All PANTAFLIX content is available in Full HD quality. The app is available in English, German, Turkish, Polish, French and Chinese and provides access to PANTAFLIX’s entire content catalog. Payment for the content is made directly via the app with the iTunes account.

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