
PANTAFLIX AG: VoD platform PANTAFLIX is now available on all continents and in almost 50 countries – Another milestone in global roll-out

PANTAFLIX AG has achieved the next key milestone on its journey to becoming a global VoD platform – the availability on all continents. The launch of PANTAFLIX in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa completes the innovative VoD platform’s coverage in English-speaking territories, which are among the most important target markets in reaching expatriates. This step also concludes the successful market entry in North America and ensures PANTAFLIX access to key markets in Oceania. Australia in particular is one of the most important ex-pat countries worldwide.

PANTAFLIX therefore from now on delivers content to film-lovers in around 50 countries all over the world. These comprise the US, nearly all European countries, including the major economies of Germany, France, the UK and Italy, as well as the core Asian markets of Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines.

“With the availability of PANTAFLIX in the most important English-speaking territories, the entire North American region, in particular, the global rollout of our innovative platform continues to develop according to plan. Our unique distribution model puts us right where expatriates, one of our key target groups, like to be. In Oceania, we are tapping one of the most important growth markets, and with South Africa, we are starting in the first country on the African continent. The fact that our PANTAFLIX product range is now available on all continents is an important milestone for our global rollout and is particularly delightful for us,” said Stefan Langefeld, CEO of PANTAFLIX AG.

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