PANTALEON Entertainment AG to join New Frankfurt Market Segment Scale March 1, 2017

Berlin, February 28, 2017 – Publicly-traded PANTALEON Entertainment AG (XETRA: PAL, ISIN: DE000A12UPJ7) will join the new Scale market segment on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange March 1, 2017. The company has filed with Deutsche Börse to transfer from the Entry Standard segment into the new market segment for small- and mid-caps. PANTALEON will thus prospectively become one of a select 40 companies fulfilling the strict standards of accountability for membership in Scale from Day One. The new small- and mid-cap segment on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is more closely regulated than Entry Standard and is meant to help promising start-ups and mid-sized companies raise investment capital.

Says PANTALEON Entertainment CEO Dan Maag: "Scale is the perfect platform to help high-growth companies with a proven business model such as PANTALEON Entertainment AG appeal to a wider equity market segment and raise international awareness. We are very pleased Scale offers PANTALEON a market segment which is perfectly tailored to our company with its high-quality standards, highlighting our growth potential."

The high standards of corporate transparency make the companies listed in Scale more attractive, helping expand market appeal and gain higher visibility in business and financial media. PANTALEON Entertainment AG is supported by Steubing AG investment bank as a Capital Market Partner; financial communication is handled by CROSS ALLIANCE.

About PANTALEON Entertainment AG:

PANTALEON Entertainment AG is one of the fastest growing media companies in Europe. The group, as a leading producer of feature films with world-class distribution partners such as Warner Bros. and Amazon Prime, developed high growth dynamics from the start. The financial success of the content division paid in for the formation of the disruptive video-on-demand (VoD) game changer, a 100% daughter of PANTALEON that just recently initiated its global rollout. For more information: and
