PANTALEON Entertainment AG Annual General Meeting

- All management proposals passed with large majority
- Changes on the Supervisory Board
- Video-on-demand (VoD) platform "PANTAFLIX" successfully launched

Kronberg im Taunus, July 29, 2016 – PANTALEON Entertainment AG (XETRA: PAL, ISIN: DE000A12UPJ7), listed on Frankfurt Stock Exchange's Entry Standard, held its Annual General Meeting July 28, 2016, in Kronberg im Taunus with 83.35 percent of the share capital represented. The shareholders expressed satisfaction with the results of the 2015 fiscal year and formally approved the actions of the Executive and the Supervisory Boards with 100 percent of votes. All management proposals were accepted with large majorities, mostly unanimously.

The AGM agenda included the election of a new Supervisory Board member since co-founder and Supervisory Board chairman Marco Beckmann resigned from the board effective with the end of the AGM in order to assume executive duties for the company. In future, Beckmann will handle the international strategic development of the group, especially focusing on the United States of America, and remain in a key position at PANTALEON Entertainment. The Supervisory and Executive Boards thanked Marco Beckmann for his outstanding work on the company's controlling committee.

"Marco Beckmann's experience and his excellent network, especially in Silicon Valley, opens many new doors with enormous po tential for our dynamically growing business group," says PANTALEON Entertainment CEO Dan Maag. "I'm looking forward to our continued close teamwork, especially being able to employ his considerable talents to strategically grow the PANTAFLIX footprint in Silicon Valley."

At the proposal of the Supervisory Board the Annual General Meeting newly elected Marc Schönberger to the Supervisory Board of PANTALEON Entertainment AG. Schönberger is an attorney and has been a partner in law and notary firm Schönberger & Dielmann for many years. With Marc Schönberger, PANTALEON gains a highly experienced industry expert, who will serve the Supervisory Board extremely well, especially with his know-how regarding intellectual property, entertainment, and IT law.

In the following constituent meeting of the new Supervisory Board, Mathis Schultz was elected chairman. The PANTALEON Entertainment AG Supervisory Board now consists of the three following members: Mathis Schultz (chairman), Marcus Machura (vice chairman) and Marc Schönberger.

In his report to the shareholders, CEO Dan Maag commented in detail on the positive developments of the past fiscal year, and explained the current business strategy. He also announced the global start of innovative cloud-based video-on-demand (VoD) platform PANTAFLIX, which was successfully launched yesterday immediately after the AGM under "With PANTAFLIX, we will revolutionize the exploitation chain for cinema and movies. For the first time, filmmakers can market their films worldwide at the click of a button, and more profitably thanks to lean structures. The winners will be movie buffs all over the world. They will have access to an endless source of films. Even when abroad, they can watch movies just like in their home countries. It's the end of an era in which movie revenue was sucked into a black hole by distribution costs, and 90 percent of the world's movies were only available in their country of origin."

You can download the voting results of the 2016 Annual General Meeting here.

PANTALEON Entertainment AG:

PANTALEON Entertainment AG is a media company with a strong focus on cinema. The core activity of PANTALEON Entertainment AG and its subsidiaries is the development and production of feature films as well as the exploitation of the rights arising therefrom, which are usually marketed by worldwide leading film distributors on a national and international basis along many steps of a chain of rights designed to best exploit them. The basis of the PANTALEON Group was formed in 2009 with the founding of PANTALEON Entertainment GmbH in Berlin. Today, 2016, PANTALEON belongs to the leading German companies in the production of feature films and innovative entertainment formats. The company is headquartered in Kronberg im Taunus. Feature films are developed at its offices in Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt am Main, the consistent quality of which makes them amongst some of the most successful national productions in recent years. In 2016 PANTALEON started the global roll-out of its innovative cloud-based Video-on-Demand (VoD) platform, PANTAFLIX.