PANTAFLIX Studios successfully completes filming of the second season of the hit series DAS INTERNAT - 24 new episodes to be shown on Joyn from 19 April onwards

  • After success of first season, Joyn doubles episodes in season 2
  • Joyn will show three new episodes per week free of charge from 19 April 2021 onwards
  • PANTAFLIX Studios has expanded the cast of the influencer series with well-known personalities

Munich, 25 February 2021. PANTAFLIX AG (WKN: A12UPJ, ISIN: DE000A12UPJ7) provides great joy among fans of the hit series DAS INTERNAT. PANTAFLIX Studios today successfully completed the filming of the second season of the Joyn Original, observing the highest health and hygiene standards. Despite the difficult conditions caused by the coronavirus, the team produced a total of 24 episodes in six weeks, twice as many episodes as in the first season. So fans of DAS INTERNAT can look forward to a season in XXL format. From 19 April 2021, the streaming provider Joyn will show three new episodes of the 24-part season every week. The innovative series format was developed by PANTAFLIX Studios.

For the second season, PANTAFLIX Studios and Joyn have once again assembled the crème de la crème of the local social media scene: Mario Novembre, Payton.R, Lisa Küppers, Leon Pelz, Marvin Holm, Nathan Goldblat, NikaSofie, Luana Knöll and Chany Dakota slip into their well-known leading roles. In addition, Leoobalys, Lea Mirzanli, Sydney Ramolla and Fionntime join the main cast in the new season. Sonya Kraus is also back in her role as headmistress Mrs Meyer-Stäblein, as is "Herr Anwalt" as Ralf Furr. In addition, the teaching staff of the F.L.Y. is getting a prominent addition with Jana Riva as sports teacher Mrs Kovac.

The second season picks up where the first one leaves off: after a water pipe bursts in the boarding school, the students of F.L.Y. have to move. They definitely imagined their new place differently: instead of exquisite rooms in a wellness hotel, they find themselves in an eco-centre - without Wi-Fi! And what's worse: the curriculum is adapted to the new environment and "hugging trees" is on the timetable. The unusual lessons and the spartan accommodation are compounded by other problems, for which the headmistress' daughter is not entirely innocent. Of all people, she has just targeted Aiden (Nathan Goldblat)...

"DAS INTERNAT clearly shows that the young target group aged between 14 and 20 also appreciates more production value compared to classic YouTube content. We combine the classic approach of a cinema production with a very modern and at the same time high-quality visual language tailored to the viewing habits of series fans. The success of the first season of DAS INTERNAT has proven this. We will continue to develop the innovative symbiosis of fictional content formats and social media with PANTAFLIX Studios," says Sebastian Lang, designated co-managing director of PANTAFLIX Studios and creator of DAS INTERNAT.

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