PANTAFLIX provides Hamburg's cult cinema Abaton with streaming technology and supports the digitalization of its business model

- Thanks to PANTAFLIX technology, the Abaton can offer its audience new films via streaming on its homepage every week

- The Abaton is the first cinema in Germany to deploy the entire PANTAFLIX Technologies service, thus preparing for the digital future

Munich, June 08, 2021. PANTAFLIX Technologies, a subsidiary of PANTAFLIX AG (GSIN: A12UPJ ISIN: DE000A12UPJ7), makes it possible for Hamburg's cult cinema Abaton to open its doors again - digitally. Since the end of May, the Abaton has been offering its own streaming channel on its homepage thanks to PANTAFLIX technology. PANTAFLIX acts as a reliable technology partner once again and provides content and platform technology for professional users. Furthermore, PANTAFLIX takes care of support, ticketing and maintenance of the technology.

This opens up a whole range of advantages for the cinema. Via the PANTAFLIX Embedded Video Player, the Abaton is expanding its business model to include a digital access channel. This allows to be back to operation in times of social distancing and to offer viewers the same high-quality program they are accustomed to. From now on, they can also digitally enjoy films - no matter when or where.

At the same time, the cinema is well prepared for the time after the coronavirus pandemic. With the streaming solution of PANTAFLIX, the customer base expands in one fell swoop. Besides cineastes who like to watch films on location, cinema operators will also be able to reach viewers who prefer to watch films on their couch at home. This creates great added value for operators and viewers.

It also opens up an additional distribution channel for film distributors. During the coronavirus pandemic, there was a huge production backlog due to the closed cinemas. Numerous films are already waiting for cinema release. With the limited number of movie theaters, not all films can be shown on the big screen. An additional digital PANTAFLIX streaming offer for and from cinemas provides a remedy and opens up new opportunities in terms of exploitation. This is particularly true in a scenario where opportunities for distributing films is tending to shrink further.

With the easy-to-integrate PANTAFLIX video player, the Abaton is now breaking new ground. It consolidates its pioneering role in the German cinema landscape, rethinking modern art house cinema without giving up its identity and individuality. Streaming technology also provides it with an effective marketing tool. The Abaton gets immediate feedback from the audience on how often a film has been seen on the platform and can react accordingly, adapt or advertise the program.

"The Abaton is a cultural institution in Hamburg that has charisma far beyond the Hanseatic city. We are proud to support this legendary cinema with our PANTAFLIX technology and to be able to offer significant added value to the cinema, distributors and, of course, viewers. It is a matter close to our heart to help cinema houses position themselves for the future with our combined service of technology and content," says Rainer Knebel, Managing Director of PANTAFLIX Technologies.

"For us, the new streaming offering is another opportunity to raise our profile with a varied and sophisticated film selection. Of course, cinema will remain our core business, but we also want to be available to our audience in the digital space as an advisor for their film selection," says Felix Grassmann, director of the Abaton.

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