PANTAFLIX AG resolves on capital increase against cash contributions from authorized capital with private placement

Munich, 18 February 2019. The Management Board of PANTAFLIX AG, Munich, (ISIN DE000A12UPJ7, GSIN A12UPJ) today resolved, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to increase the Company's issued share capital from EUR 13,975,500 by issuing 1,397,550 new no-par value bearer shares (this corresponds to 10.0% of the current issued share capital) against cash contributions partially utilizing the existing authorized capital and excluding the existing shareholders' subscription rights. The new shares will carry full dividend rights as of 1 January 2018.

The 1,397,550 new shares will be placed in a private placement under exclusion of the subscription right pursuant to Section 186 Paragraph 3 Sentence 4 of the German Stock Corporation Act. An oral subscription confirmation by a strategic investor for the capital increase has been obtained. The new shares will be included without a prospectus in the existing listing in the Scale Segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The capital increase supports the financing of the further growth. Further, with support of the new investor additional strategic options in the operating business shall be developed.

18 February 2019
The Management Board

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