PANTAFLIX AG intends capital increase in kind from authorized capital against contribution of a receivable in connection with the remuneration of a film production

Munich, 28 July 2023. PANTAFLIX AG (ISIN: DE000A12UPJ7) intends to increase the Company's share capital by EUR 500,000.00 by issuing 500,000 new no-par value bearer shares, making partial use of the existing Authorized Capital 2022, against a contribution in kind of a receivable of EUR 500,000.00 against the Company in connection with the remuneration of services relating to a film production. As a remuneration component for services already rendered, the new shares are not subject to a vesting period. To the extent that the contribution value of the contribution in kind exceeds the issue amount of the shares granted for this purpose, the difference will be transferred to the Company's capital reserve.

The capital increase against contributions in kind is to be carried out in August 2023. The further details and conditions of the capital increase remain subject to a separate resolution. The new shares are to be included in the existing listing in the Scale segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange without a prospectus.

28 July 2023
The Management Board

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