PANTAFLIX AG implements stock split

Munich, 22 November 2018. On 7 November 2018, PANTAFLIX AG’s capital increase from company funds was entered in the commercial register. The conversion was resolved at the Annual General Meeting of PANTAFLIX AG (GSIN: A12UPJ, ISIN: DE000A12UPJ7) on 25 July 2018. The share capital now totals EUR 13,975,500.00 and is divided into 13,975,500 no-par-value bearer shares.

Company shareholders are therefore entitled to receive so-called bonus shares at a ratio of 1:10 from the increase in share capital through a (partial) conversion of own capital reserves. The last trading day before the stock split, the technical implementation of the increase in share capital from company funds and the issue of bonus shares is expected to be 26 November 2018. The new shares will be listed on 29 November 2018 and the shares will be allocated by means of securities account credit based on stocks on the evening of 28 November 2018. As of 29 November 2018, shareholders will thus have a total of 11 no-par-value shares with a notional value of EUR 1.00 each in the share capital for each no-par-value share with a notional value of EUR 1.00 previously held in custody by booking in further 10 no-par-value shares.

PANTAFLIX AG shareholders do not need to take any action. The new shares are entitled to dividends from the beginning of the current 2018 financial year. Listing and securities identification number remain unchanged. Stock exchange orders not yet executed will expire at the end of 26 November 2018. The Group is using the stock split to make PANTAFLIX shares more appealing, in particular for private investors, and also to boost trading liquidity.

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