PANTAFLIX AG implements comprehensive sustainability strategy

PANTAFLIX AG announces today its commitment to implement and execute a comprehensive sustainability strategy in all departments. To radically reduce the company’s ecological footprint, internal corporate structures and work processes will be reviewed in respect of their sustainability and undergo thorough reorganization and optimization by the year 2020. To expedite this process, PANTAFLIX AG has added Sustainability Manager Mariella Koch to its team.

„We as a company are acutely aware of our responsibility to protect the environment”, says Dan Maag, CEO and manager of PANTAFLIX AG: „We aim to be innovative trailblazers not only in economic and technologic respects but also in environmental concerns. Our sustainability strategy is an important step toward this goal and we will follow it wholeheartedly. We strive to ensure that future generations will have quality entertainment as well as a liveable planet.”

PANTAFLIX AG is already in the process of implementing various measures to support its sustainability efforts, including a responsible resource management and cooperations with international NGOs like the Surfrider Foundation Germany who is working to preserve the oceans worldwide.

Additionally, PANTAFLIX-subsidiary and film production company PANTALEON Films will promote an eco-friendly execution of its film productions. The film “Vielmachglas / A Jar full of life” for example has already been produced in a resource-friendly fashion. Investing in modern technologies and promoting innovative companies is a crucial part of achieving this goal. “Chargery” (a mobile charging service for electric vehicles) for example supplies the E-Smarts used during the production of “100 Dinge / 100 Things” with 100% green electricity. PANTAFLIX AG‘s longterm goal is to progressively promote the national and international development of a thus far insufficient infrastructure for sustainable film shoots, as well as to realize its own productions with a focus on sustainability.

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