Matthias Schweighöfer and friends launch fundraising campaign #WeActForGood for “Die Arche” on PANTAFLIX

Munich, 06 April 2020. Coronavirus is currently shaping the daily life in Germany. People are staying at home. For Matthias Schweighöfer and many of his colleagues, this is a good reason to launch a campaign to support “Die Arche”, especially during the coronavirus crisis. “Die Arche” Kinderstiftung (Christliches Kinder- und Jugendwerk) has been committed to fighting against child poverty for years.

“For me it is important to give a good example and to gain something positive from the situation. Now we all have more time than usual. It goes without saying to activate friends and colleagues and say 'hey, let's use this and do what we love: acting', with the small difference that we are playing at home and, at the same time, for a good purpose.” Following the motto #WeActForGood, actors, directors, comedians, influencers, content creators and other celebrities are now asked to produce short videos for a good cause. Whether it be tutorials, short thrillers or living room concerts – there are no limits for creativity.

Kida Khodr Ramadan, Heiko and Roman Lochmann, Michael Nast and the singer-songwriters Peachy and Nisse have already responded to Matthias Schweighöfer´s call on Instagram by starting their own short productions exclusively for the campaign. Once produced, PANTAFLIX will upload the formats on its streaming platform. Even though the formats are freely accessible, platform users are encouraged to support “Die Arche” and its projects with a voluntary donation: #WeActForGood

#WeActForGood supports work of “Die Arche”

In this way, all artists of the entire PANTAFLIX-family do not only want to fulfill their social responsibility and make a positive contribution but also want to bring people together with some new formats in times of bigger physical distance.

Since 1995 “Die Arche” has been particularly committed to children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. Being present at more than 25 locations throughout Germany, “Die Arche” reaches more than 4,000 children and young people with free services, such as hot meals, homework help, meaningful leisure activities including sports, games or music and, above all, attention.

“With the spread of coronavirus, solidarity and family context are becoming more important than ever before. Not every family can face the new challenges in an appropriate way. Therefore, we are very happy about the great support of #WeActForGood to strengthen our commitment against child poverty,” says Pastor Bernd Siggelkow, founder and board member of “Die Arche”.

Nicolas Paalzow, CEO of PANTAFLIX AG: “The coronavirus crisis cut us as producers to the quick, because at the moment we cannot do what we love most, namely telling stories and making movies. That's why I couldn't be more proud of Matthias and our whole team for coming up with the idea of #WeActForGood in this situation, to help those people who are hit most by this crisis. If we can just help a little bit to keep the viewers at home entertained with some XXS-productions and, if they make a donation to “Die Arche” in return, then this crisis will start to bring out the best from all of us. We want to make our contribution with creativity and passion and it would make me very happy to see as many artists as possible joining this campaign.”

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