Annual General Meeting of PANTAFLIX AG: Resolution to issue bonus shares – strong customer growth in digital division to around 400,000 users

PANTAFLIX AG (GSIN: A12UPJ, ISIN: DE000A12UPJ7) today held its Annual General Meeting in Munich. The shareholders were very satisfied with the results of the 2017 financial year and approved the actions of the Management Board and Supervisory Board with clear majorities. All proposed resolutions of the management were adopted by large majorities. CEO Stefan Langefeld and CPO Nicolas Paalzow reported on the positive development of the past financial year and gave an outlook on the next steps of the media group.

Issue of bonus shares

A key item on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting was the capital increase from company funds in the amount of EUR 12.7 million, which was approved by the shareholders by a very large majority. The share capital of PANTAFLIX AG will be increased from EUR 1,270,500.00 by EUR 12,705,000.00 to EUR 13,975,500.00 by converting a partial amount of the Company's capital reserves reported in the annual balance sheet as of December 31, 2017. The share split will be carried out by issuing 12,705,000 new shares. The shareholders of the Company are entitled to so-called bonus shares in a ratio of 1:10 from the increase of the share capital through (partial) conversion of its own capital reserves. The new shares are entitled to dividends from the beginning of the 2017 financial year. "We are pleased about the constructive dialogue with our shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. The purpose of the share split now resolved is to increase the attractiveness of PANTAFLIX shares, especially for private investors, and at the same time to increase trading liquidity by increasing the share capital, from which all shareholders can benefit," says Stefan Langefeld, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PANTAFLIX AG.

Strong customer growth in the digital business division

The digital business division of PANTAFLIX AG is growing with the ongoing expansion offering on the VoD platform. The expanding offering has a very positive effect on the growth dynamics in the end customer business: Preliminary results of a focused marketing campaign indicate that in June 2018, customers in the respective group purchased a mean number of 1.6 contents with an average value of EUR 3.80, generating customer revenues of EUR 6.10. In total, PANTAFLIX has achieved a customer growth of 198% to around 400,000 users in the last three months with currently around 23,000 contents. Internationalization is also making great strides: this year PANTAFLIX is expanding its range to the South American continent and to the Spanish language. Stefan Langefeld, CEO PANTAFLIX AG: "This shows not only that we have an extensive film and series catalog, but also that we have established an outstanding technical solution on the market which convinces users. The next logical step for us is to approach strategic partners with this successful product and offer our VoD infrastructure in conjunction with our expertise in operation and exploitation as an entertainment solution for their end customers."

Great Momentum in the production division

In addition to a cinema premiere in Autumn 2018 ("100 Dinge" with Florian David Fitz and Matthias Schweighöfer) and the second Amazon Prime video series "Beat" at the end of 2018 (in co-production with Die Hellinger/Doll Filmproduktion GmbH and Warner Bros.), shooting will soon begin on the largest and first international film production of PANTALEON Films: RESISTANCE, the adaptation of Marcel Marceau's life. Nicolas Paalzow: "A film project of this kind is a significant step into the future of our company and an expression of our passion as producers. We will soon be announcing further international co-productions."

The voting results of the 2018 Annual General Meeting are available for download at

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