
PANTAFLIX AG: VoD platform PANTAFLIX now available in Chinese - international rollout continues its success

PANTAFLIX AG achieves a further important milestone in the global rollout with the introduction of the Chinese version of its video-on-demand platform PANTAFLIX. Next to German, English, French, Turkish and Polish, Chinese (Mandarin) is the sixth language group being added.

With this step, PANTAFLIX once again demonstates the leading role it is playing in the growing digital video segment of the Asian market. PANTAFLIX is now available in the world's most popular mother tongue, which is spoken by around one-fifth of the world's population, with namely 1.3 billion people. In addition to China with Hong Kong and Macau, Chinese is the official language in Taiwan and Singapore and is also spoken as a mother tongue in 19 other countries by parts of the population. Asia is one of the most important growth markets for PANTAFLIX, which the company addresses with very strong partners.

"Our mission is to turn a huge, but so far local, film business into a global one. The access to new markets and to further customers, of course, first of all works through the language. With the Chinese version launch of our service, we are opening up one of the most important growth markets. We are extremely excited about this very important milestone in the global rollout of Our developer team has once again performed an excellent job. We will continue to concentrate all our efforts on significantly expanding our market share in the global VoD segment", PANTAFLIX CEO Dan Maag states.

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